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[Speculation] When is Civil Services Exam 2021 final result expected?

Hi all. Was not at all expecting myself to see in the final list. But here I am. Just wanted to express my gratitude to all community members for being helpful. Did learn many things from here. 
PS: May or may not get IFS. It’s borderline. So it’s likely that my aspirant journey may continue. So I would like to continue with “Arsene” for time being. Thanks. 

Thanks all for your wishes. I’m sorry to not thank you all individually but let it be known I am very grateful for each and every wishes. I consider myself fortunate to be in this position. I remember that day in previous attempt when I couldn’t see myself in final list, and I saw others who made it and in that very moment I decided one day I’ll get in and post that I got selected. Here I am. And I’m very certain that you all will make it. Yes, you will. 

Just don’t lose hope. Trust me I’m very pessimistic person (Supporting Arsenal is the main reason 😅) but this exam requires you to be very hopeful and optimist. And that’s exactly what worked in this attempt. So dont lose hope in yourself. Good luck all :) 

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