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Hello All,

The Group usage here is a little cumbersome, so I am creating this thread to make sure that all questions with doubts stay in one place. Can someone push all the doubts and queries here? I will make this an announcement?

-Faceless, Anonymous "root"

jack_Sparrow,curious_kidand56 otherslike this



Kindly, re evaluate answer Q or delete Q at all. It is for weaker section not vulnerable. And if you want to keep answer as it is kindly show  format of the act with word VULNERABLE from any official publication.

It's not about to do rebel but any worng information or incomplete information can alter students thought process and consequently he or she may create mistake in CSE PT or other examination taken by government.

Hello guys,

what is the debate in this question? If the kegal language says weaker section of the society, then you have to mark vulnerable as correct! 

Pls dont go by language issue. The statement will be deemed correct!


Did you any any chance, open your mobile during test, search for vulnerable in the pdf, did not find it , and marked it as wrong :P just saying :P


Did you any any chance, open your mobile during test, search for vulnerable in the pdf, did not find it , and marked it as wrong :P just saying :P

Please avoid such comments. Let us have opinions about event, things and not people?

I am no knight. Do not call me Sir


Answer to question 30 is given D)

Wheres statement 2 is right. A panchayat reconstituted after dissolution continues only for the reminder period.

Pls clarify.

_Rana_,Dhananandaand7 otherslike this

Also, how option 2 of qs32 is correct?

CAG maintaains the accounts of State Govts only. He was relieved of responsibilities wrt maintenance of a/c of CG.

@Lighthouse Q 32 is about Controller General of Accounts and not CAG.


w.r.t Question no 37 in Test no 11. statement no 3.

"The constitution of India provides for reservation of scheduled castes and scheduled tribes in the State Legislative assembly of Every state" has been marked correct in answer key.

However, Article 332(1) clearly states thatthis is not applicable in case of " Scheduled Tribes in the tribal areas of Assam, in Nagaland and in Meghalaya" i.e Reservation for Scheduled Castes shall not apply to Nagaland and Meghalaya.

check here

This provision has been specifically provided in the constitution due tovery low presence of Indigenous Scheduled Castes in these 2 states and tribal regions of Assam.

So the answer to Question no 37 should be "D".

Plz clarify accordingly.


Also the answer of Ques 30 is also marked as incorrect. it would be "B" instead of "D".


Test 11, Q 46, there no party called "National Congress Party" it is Nationalist Congress Party. Answer should be option "a". 

Pls clarify.


w.r.t Question no 37 in Test no 11. statement no 3.

"The constitution of India provides for reservation of scheduled castes and scheduled tribes in the State Legislative assembly of Every state" has been marked correct in answer key.

However, Article 332(1) clearly states thatthis is not applicable in case of " Scheduled Tribes in the tribal areas of Assam, in Nagaland and in Meghalaya" i.e Reservation for Scheduled Castes shall not apply to Nagaland and Meghalaya.

check here

This provision has been specifically provided in the constitution due tovery low presence of Indigenous Scheduled Castes in these 2 states and tribal regions of Assam.

So the answer to Question no 37 should be "D".

Plz clarify accordingly.


Also the answer of Ques 30 is also marked as incorrect. it would be "B" instead of "D".

Reservation is not provided for STs from Scheduled Areas of Assam and not from the entire area of Assam. The entire list of reserved Constituency is available on ECI handouts.

In Meghalaya, 55 out of 60 seats are reserved for STs. The constitution doesn't prohibit the reservation for SCs in the state. However, in the background of the low SC population in the state, the reservation has not been provided.

In Nagaland 59 out of 60 seats are reserved for STs. The constitution doesn't prohibit the reservation for SCs in the state. However, in the background of the low SC population in the state, the reservation has not been provided.

_Rana_,TheMiddlePathand1 otherslike this

Also, how option 2 of qs32 is correct?

CAG maintaains the accounts of State Govts only. He was relieved of responsibilities wrt maintenance of a/c of CG.

The question pertains to the Controller General of Account and not the CAG.

Q.20) Can anyone plz tell me why schedule V n VI are related to education provision?
@Thinker It is clearly mentioned in article 332 thatexcept Meghalaya and Nagaland.
And since the statement is about providing reservation i.e constitution "provides for" it ain't about the prohibitions.
It's a simple statement with specific mention of "Scheduled casteandScheduled tribe" and not "Scheduled caste or Scheduled tribes" in that case it would have been correct.

Also it is not the discretion of parliament/president that reservation have not been provided for SCs in Nagaland and Meghalaya, rather a specific mention of the provision in constitution and that is why constitution "does not provide for reservation for Scheduled castesandscheduled tribes inAllstates."

Other reason for specific mention is the constitution is the factor of "IndigenousSchedule Castes" while providing reservation in state legislature of the these two states, which requires specific exemption provision in A332(1). Since Meghalaya do provides 5% reservations to Scheduled castes in Services.


Que No.: 14 ... Statement 3...." which is wrong as per the Key"

If any one consider the Answer key is right , Can he share the link about that info... where Constitution of india defined the term "Misbehavior".



Q.20) Can anyone plz tell me why schedule V n VI are related to education provision?

Its verbatim question from UPSC 2012 paper and answer is as per the official key. Schedule 6 has a clear mention of education and schedule 5 has an indirect bearing on education.


Que No.: 14 ... Statement 3...." which is wrong as per the Key"

If any one consider the Answer key is right , Can he share the link about that info... where Constitution of india defined the term "Misbehavior".

Article 317 (4) has defined it clearly.  If the Chairman or any other member of a Public Service Commission is or becomes in any way concerned or interested in any contract or agreement made by or on behalf of the Government of India or the Government of a State or participates in any way in the profit thereof or in any benefit or emolument arising therefrom otherwise than as a member and in common with the other members of an incorporated company, he shall, for the purposes of clause ( 1 ), be deemed to be guilty of misbehaviour

@Thinker It is clearly mentioned in article 332 thatexcept Meghalaya and Nagaland.
And since the statement is about providing reservation i.e constitution "provides for" it ain't about the prohibitions.
It's a simple statement with specific mention of "Scheduled casteandScheduled tribe" and not "Scheduled caste or Scheduled tribes" in that case it would have been correct.

Also it is not the discretion of parliament/president that reservation have not been provided for SCs in Nagaland and Meghalaya, rather a specific mention of the provision in constitution and that is why constitution "does not provide for reservation for Scheduled castesandscheduled tribes inAllstates."

Other reason for specific mention is the constitution is the factor of "IndigenousSchedule Castes" while providing reservation in state legislature of the these two states, which requires specific exemption provision in A332(1). Since Meghalaya do provides 5% reservations to Scheduled castes in Services.


@Thinker It is clearly mentioned in article 332 thatexcept Meghalaya and Nagaland.
And since the statement is about providing reservation i.e constitution "provides for" it ain't about the prohibitions.
It's a simple statement with specific mention of "Scheduled casteandScheduled tribe" and not "Scheduled caste or Scheduled tribes" in that case it would have been correct.

Also it is not the discretion of parliament/president that reservation have not been provided for SCs in Nagaland and Meghalaya, rather a specific mention of the provision in constitution and that is why constitution "does not provide for reservation for Scheduled castesandscheduled tribes inAllstates."

Other reason for specific mention is the constitution is the factor of "IndigenousSchedule Castes" while providing reservation in state legislature of the these two states, which requires specific exemption provision in A332(1). Since Meghalaya do provides 5% reservations to Scheduled castes in Services.


There are certain discrepancies in the sources that we are using. This website doesn't mention the point which you are presenting. The constitution has not provided for the exception in case of Scheduled Caste reservation. But still, I will reverify the statements. Please go through the link again and let me know if you are satisfied. Thanks and regards.


Q.9) Who can appoint comission to investigate conditions of following

I) socially n eco backward classes




@Thinker yeah my source was somewhat old w.r.t Article 332(1) not incorporating 57th amendment.

However insertion by 57th amendment act of article 332(3A) says..
3A.Notwithstanding anything contained in clause
(3), until the taking effect, under article 170, of the re-
adjustment, on the basis of the first census after the year
[2026], of the number of seats in the Legislative Assemblies of the States ofArunachal Pradesh, Meghalaya,
Mizoram and Nagaland, the seats which shall be reserved
for the Scheduled Tribes in the Legislative Assembly of
any such State shall be,—

(a) if all the seats in the Legislative Assembly of
such State in existence on the date of coming into
force of the Constitution (Fifty-seventh Amendment)
Act, 1987 (hereafter in this clause referred to as the
existing Assembly) are held by members of the
Scheduled Tribes, all the seats except one;
(b) in any other case, such number of seats as
bears to the total number of seats, a proportion not
less than the number (as on the said date) of members
belonging to the Scheduled Tribes in the existing
Assembly bears to the total number of seats in the
existing Assembly.

So on this basis i think we can say this is anexception based on Indigenous SC population(0.5%)
For the states of Nagaland and Meghalaya not having reservation for SCs in legislative assembly till completion of 2026 delimitation and is indeed a constitutional provision.

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