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Prelims Questions Thread: CSP 2021

Consider the following statements regarding the 17 + 1 Corporation forum of China:-

  1.  The 17 + 1 initiative is a China-led format that was established in 2014 in Budapest. 
  2.  it aims to develop the pharma sector. 
  3.  This forum also focuses on infrastructure projects in member states. 
  4.  China's narrative towards 17 + 1 initiative is about improving its relations with eastern European countries, 

Choose the correct statement from the following codes ? 

a. Only 1 and 2

b. Only 3 and 4

c. Only 2, 3 and 4

d. None of the above

D -formed in 2012 in warsaw is an infrastructure development project as apart of china's BRO in Central and Eastern European (CEE) member countries

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