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[Results] Prelims 2020 Over - Gearing for 2021

Because of the corona virus issue? If it does not happen then worst affected will be people whose interview is stuck, around 600-700 such people I think are yet to appear for their interview.

@neyawn sir and others, what is your take?

This is the official Thread for discussion of Prelims Postponement, Please do not create new threads for the same.

jack_Sparrow,curious_kidand137 otherslike this


why are people not considering the logistical problems?

*the paper needs to be set.
*paper needs to be printed.
*printed paper needs to reach all centres.
*centres which are government school need to be ready(some schools are being used as quarantine centres).
*people need to travel to centre cities

Other UPSC exam notifications and processes are postponed. Admit card usually comes by end of April. I guess we will know it then.

curious_kid,TwoFaceand2 otherslike this

why are people not considering the logistical problems?

*the paper needs to be set.
*paper needs to be printed.
*printed paper needs to reach all centres.
*centres which are government school need to be ready(some schools are being used as quarantine centres).
*people need to travel to centre cities

Other UPSC exam notifications and processes are postponed. Admit card usually comes by end of April. I guess we will know it then.

If a govt. can counter a disease with this force and mechanism, trust me, what you're questioning might not take much from them. Govt. imposed restrictions in a snap, it can remove them in a flash.

I feel everything else can be done while following certain norms to prevent the infection but when it comes to people travelling to centre cities there might be a very slight problem. But, I think it can be overcome by giving students enough time to move by making admit cards out a little earlier. Personal opinion, schools cannot be centres of quarantines till 31st May. schools don't have quarantine like facilities, so using them for capacity upgrade is not much viable. Other options, dharamshala, community halls, banquets etc. are better. 

But, a little larger question they face would be , do we need to conduct the exam on 31stMay2020?

Economists would suggest, Yes. Politicians might suggest, No.

And, I see economists winning here, because such exams lead to expenditure and demand creation in the economy, remember how fiscal expenditure can help in recession and slowdown (Keynesian thought). These exams would be important to all lower economic classes which are bearing the burden of this lockdown.

Let's say, a candidate would spend atleast 10₹ to exam centre and 50₹ there , exam happens in two shifts. Taking last year figure, 8lakh people appeared for prelims, 60*8lakhs ~4.8 crore. And you know my nos. are not realistic, so yes, a significant amount would be spent by candidates all across India.

Politicians would say no , due to popular pressure due to sensitivity, social distancing dilemma. But, social distancing can be maintained at individual exam centres by allocating more no. of centres and health norms. All candidates wouldn't be taking exam at one centre, so it looks feasible, if you look from micro level.

Disjointed thought, many central ministries have opened today amid lockdown extension speculation, in that light, all future bureaucrats must be ready for the CSE atleast. 

jack_Sparrow,curious_kidand2 otherslike this

People here saying that prelims can be conducted without declaring the result. Its not a valid argument as you are not factoring in the count of attempts. 

It is highly illogical to force candidates to take prelims and have their attempt exhausted before finishing the prior calendar exam. Such thing happens in State PCS but there you have large no of attempt so it doenst matter but here each attempt is matter of death and life.

So whether they postpone or not, they have to conclude the prior year process, declare result and then go for prelims.

@rahul21_in1641 Before 2013, when prelims use to happen in April, it use to be like this only. People give prelims, and results use to come later.
I have been hearing about this "interview, prelims calendar argument" a lot lately. Honestly, all this doesn't matter.

And about the prelims, nobody can say anything until the final notification comes. So better study. :)

@deatheater_czero what?!! you are seriously suggesting us to stop speculating and study!! how dare you talk sense in this pointless thread..... 

ssver2,rahulgandhiand4 otherslike this
@hound out of the all answers I read, it felt this one will take you to next level.

Trust me you need a give a thought on ur thought. A person is driving economy out of exam. So let us conduct this exam in China. And all the booking should be made through Airindia. I guess it will come in profit every year with this smallest step.

#grow up plz.

UPSC is an pan India basis examination. Though, covid-19 cases found in India is varying  in term of state or area or town; so post  lockdown too , the movement restrictions may imposed according to the cases found in the state. In addition, candidates must go through inter-district or inter-state movement for examination centre so as maintaining social distance at examination centre would be controllable as per government guidelines. With all that view,  postpone of prelim exam would be an  good initiative by commission.

Situation as of Today

I am no knight. Do not call me Sir

jack_Sparrow,curious_kidand13 otherslike this

So as per the notification prelims is still on May 31.

jack_Sparrow,Neyawnand2 otherslike this
@Nikita The point you are placing is totally illogical.
In case of interview failed candidates, they already have the experience and knowledge base for the next prelims.
Also, they are not supposed to take their results granted, and should keep on preparing till the result comes out.
So, they do not have 15 days but avg 2-2.5 months after the interview. (interview in march and pre in june).
Those candidates HAVE the CHOICE to study or not to study.

Current scenario is totally different and out of everybody's hands.
Candidates from services and essential services, staffs and medical fields are not willingly spending their precious time in saving lives of people and keeping cities clean and controlling crowds and taking care of essential supplies and many more such tasks.
If they had a choice, they would have chosen to study for the exam instead. 
I really wish you were stuck in this kind of situation.

Another problem is, people need to travel to different cities for the exam because of limited exam centers and all the major cities are becoming hotspots of the pandemic. People will be afraid to go to those cities.

And, Stop blaming UPSC just because someone flunked the interview and wanted to to cry for 15 days instead of studying.

I do not think she was anywhere blaming UPSC for flunking the prelims. 

Your arguments have no merit.

Out of 400,000 people who appear for the exam, more than 10,000 people on exam day would have a Panick attack, asthma attack, nervous breakdown, loss of family member or would fall sick for no fault of their own.

Should then UPSC , on producing document allow them to write the exam on a later date?


why are people not considering the logistical problems?

*the paper needs to be set.
*paper needs to be printed.
*printed paper needs to reach all centres.
*centres which are government school need to be ready(some schools are being used as quarantine centres).
*people need to travel to centre cities

Other UPSC exam notifications and processes are postponed. Admit card usually comes by end of April. I guess we will know it then.

UPSC was able to hold sneering today. Amidst the breakdown.

That says it all.

@deatheater_czero what?!! you are seriously suggesting us to stop speculating and study!! how dare you talk sense in this pointless thread..... 

Perhaps this thread isn’t as pointless as you are making out to be. I bet this would be the most popular thread on the forum right now.

and the most important questions for every aspirant .


Guys we haven't reached the peak of covid19,still 1200 cases per day are coming and our testing %age is way too low.So brace for impact this disease is gonna raise its head for sure and any person who thinks prelims can happen on may 31 is oblivious to reality.UPSC being a constitutional body should ascertain its facts and don't engage in speculation,it demands factual answers but doesn't gives one via press release.Bit dissapointed with UPSC's response

GaryVee,parle ji_and1 otherslike this

Guys we haven't reached the peak of covid19,still 1200 cases per day are coming and our testing %age is way too low.So brace for impact this disease is gonna raise its head for sure and any person who thinks prelims can happen on may 31 is oblivious to reality.UPSC being a constitutional body should ascertain its facts and don't engage in speculation,it demands factual answers but doesn't gives one via press release.Bit dissapointed with UPSC's response

That's how UPSC has always been. Welcome @captainamerica . Hoping for the rest of the Avengers to arrive. The world and forum needs saving.


Well said Captain


what UPSC expect from us is clarity but we cant expect clarity from them? The press release have said nothing new and neither cleared the doubts "whether UPSC is ready to take the exam despite any circumstances"? 

They said will decide later if situation demands. ok! we already knew that .

Due to forced question by Mr. Tharoor and online petition they just evaded responsibility by saying "dates are already announced".

The best thing UPSC could have said "Wait till 3rd May..till then keep on studying" :-)


Apx 150+ sites are hotspot ,more than 100s are on penultimate red-zones, we are not testing enough ,false negatives, reappearance/resurgence of virus ...are these things considered (will be considered on 3rd,hopefully.)

after 3rd upsc may take 7 days to decide centers by 15th they release admit cards and on 15th we will book hotel,bus,train,tickets (forget about carpooling or center pooling).on 31st we will be provided hand sanitisers , masks and a to-do to maintain precautions.

Hotspots ,districts,states ,IFS/NRIs wards will be provided additional attempts .

Do these seems valid?

No then ..exam is not on 31st .

Once a candidate from some centre shows some symptom ,the evening UPSc will press release asking to go all candidates of that centre on quarantine and then Aranab will start showing his color on tv debates.

GaryVee,Oshoand5 otherslike this

Hello Friends 

My point is that .. 

No prelims is expected till Aug 31, 2020. 

You may ask why?? 


1. By the end of this month, cases will be huge,

at least 30k -40K  even if India outperforms. Which bureaucrat would like to take the risk of exams??

2. I checked that developed nations like Germany who has got some intermediate success has banned all gatherings, classes etc till August 31. Despite the fact there is no such lockdown as it is  there in India. 

3. Corona is going to last with us at least for a year.  That too in a very optimistic scenario. 

Well lockdown may ease.. but travel restrictions etc will cripple everyone. 

So till August 31 , chances are really bleak. 


I don't get this "that's how UPSC works, that's how UPSC has been" shit!

Never in our lives we came across such a deadly pandemic.. there are many things which happened for the first time in the history of independent India just because of this corona virus! UPSC is just another institution!! It's not about postponing an exam it's about our lives, our parent's lives!

Why are we in this lockdown if it's not contagious?? Why can't we go even for stroll out of our houses! Some of us are living in extreme isolation.. many of us must have gone through mental breakdown at some point of time during this period! This is a very unusual situation we are dealing with!

How on this planet we can assume that this disease will disappear completely in may or june or july for that matters! How can we say that UPSC is a Godlike institution and it can do whatever it feels even in these circumstances! 

Will we really be willing to take the risk of going out in different cities even for the sake of traveling after 3r of may?

It is an unprecedented time, and it does require unprecedented measures! Lockdown is just one of them!! 

In my humble opinion, No exam should be conducted till the recovery of atleast 90-95% of the patients or zero cases for consecutive 15-21 days, whichever is earlier! 

Neyawn,Shahand18 otherslike this
Guys our testing has been way too low as per population size till this moment ie 2lac tests till now and around 20000 per day in a country of 1.3 billion where as in usa 15 lac tests in a population of30 crore.I am a doctor guys and believe me yesterday the patients tested positive in my hospital were asymptomatic.So you can judge the magnitude of problem.
Neyawn,GaryVeeand4 otherslike this

all is good but can someone tell me ( on lighter note) majority janta PT kasie degi without PT 365 :D 

hemant23_iitd8676,ArchAngel96and2 otherslike this
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