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Need some help regarding psir preparation. I have read basic material once but facing difficulties in grasping everything properly. going to write exam in 2021. i was thinking of joining any classroom course. so can anyone suggest what to do ? because shubhra mam's course will run for 6 months starting this july so i don't think that's a viable option. should i join some other classroom course ? also i found some audios of mam's 2018 batch on telegram so would those be reliable ? another option i have heard of is chaubey sir and some other free youtube series. so please anyone who has taken any classroom course before please help me out. 

Thank You



Need some help regarding psir preparation. I have read basic material once but facing difficulties in grasping everything properly. going to write exam in 2021. i was thinking of joining any classroom course. so can anyone suggest what to do ? because shubhra mam's course will run for 6 months starting this july so i don't think that's a viable option. should i join some other classroom course ? also i found some audios of mam's 2018 batch on telegram so would those be reliable ? another option i have heard of is chaubey sir and some other free youtube series. so please anyone who has taken any classroom course before please help me out. 

Thank You

Hey. Reading everything just once is not enough to grasp it fully for most of us, especially if you don’t have the background. It’ll take another round or two of revision to understand concepts clearly and be able to see connections between them. I suggest you do this, instead of joining any classes at this point. I have not attended either Shubhra Ranjan ma’am’s or Chaubey sir’s classes, but from what I have heard SR classes go quite slow, and that is bound to be worse this year. 

Have faith in yourself :) if you’re feeling confused and lost in the syllabus at this point after having read everything once, it’s natural. But since you’re short on time, you will need to make the most of the next month or two, depending on how much time you’re devoting to optional. I would suggest you go back and read the material again and spend enough time with it to understand it fully. If there are parts you need help for, you can always find videos or other material online, or even here. That seems like the most effective use of your time now. 

Keep up your spirits. Good luck :)

okay sure thanks a lot :) i'll focus on re-reading and understanding. but in mam's postal notes sometimes i find some points are missing and some disconnect is there. so what should be done for that ? any reference book or anything else. which you might've referred to?

good luck to you too :)



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okay sure thanks a lot :) i'll focus on re-reading and understanding. but in mam's postal notes sometimes i find some points are missing and some disconnect is there. so what should be done for that ? any reference book or anything else. which you might've referred to?

good luck to you too :)

Yeah! That happens sometimes. I think SR notes are good mainly because they are organised syllabus wise and have a lot of material, but some links are definitely missing. 

Yup, reference books. These are the ones I used:

1A: OP Gauba, Andrew Heywood, Sushila Ramaswamy 

1B: I read Oxford Handbook, helped in understanding some topics but did not add many points to the material in the end. Skippable.

2A: Bayliss & Smith

2B: A few chapters from a lot of books. Will collect and write if you’d like to know.

I don’t think these are all necessary. You can pick based on what you find necessary. :)

thanks a lot. yes you're right i won't be referring to all the above mentioned books considering the time i've at my disposal, but, i'll use them for connecting the missing links. Yes, for 2B whenever you find time do let me know of your sources because mam's notes for this portion are not too good plus i have not been a regular follower of newspapers or daily current updates, though, i have read vision monthlies.




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okay sure thanks a lot :) i'll focus on re-reading and understanding. but in mam's postal notes sometimes i find some points are missing and some disconnect is there. so what should be done for that ? any reference book or anything else. which you might've referred to?

good luck to you too :)

Yeah! That happens sometimes. I think SR notes are good mainly because they are organised syllabus wise and have a lot of material, but some links are definitely missing. 

Yup, reference books. These are the ones I used:

1A: OP Gauba, Andrew Heywood, Sushila Ramaswamy 

1B: I read Oxford Handbook, helped in understanding some topics but did not add many points to the material in the end. Skippable.

2A: Bayliss & Smith

2B: A few chapters from a lot of books. Will collect and write if you’d like to know.

I don’t think these are all necessary. You can pick based on what you find necessary. :)

thanks a lot. yes you're right i won't be referring to all the above mentioned books considering the time i've at my disposal, but, i'll use them for connecting the missing links. Yes, for 2B whenever you find time do let me know of your sources because mam's notes for this portion are not too good plus i have not been a regular follower of newspapers or daily current updates, though, i have read vision monthlies.

Updated the original comment for 2B. Had also forgotten to mention some others.

thank you :)


hi guys, does anyone have sr notes in typed format? handwritten notes are giving me headache. So, in case anyone has it do let me know.

Thank You



hi guys, does anyone have sr notes in typed format? handwritten notes are giving me headache. So, in case anyone has it do let me know.

Thank You has SR’s notes arranged topic wise. Use that. 

Thanks yaar. this is so nice. have they covered entire syllabus from notes or will i still have to refer handwritten ones ? because at the outset it seems whole syllabus is there.



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Thanks yaar. this is so nice. have they covered entire syllabus from notes or will i still have to refer handwritten ones ? because at the outset it seems whole syllabus is there.

Sorry, I haven’t used it personally. Found it late 😪 but I think they’ve covered it all - at least all of what constitutes ma’am’s notes.

okay, thanks a lot :)

@Jammu i wanted to ask you about something. can i pm you ?




@Jammu i wanted to ask you about something. can i pm you ?

Yes sure.

You can ask here as well, in case it is not personal :D

no, nothing personal. just not related to psir but some other topic :D

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