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[Official] SFG 2022 - Level 1 | Calendar & Noticeboard

It seems like there is an error with the solution of Question 14. The definition of Dependency Ratio is written as  Dependency Ratio is the number of people economically active divided by the number of people economically inactive and dependent on the former in a given population.  

Whereas, the correct definition should be reverse of what is given, if I am not wrong. It should be 'The dependency ratio is measure which compares the dependents (below 15 and above 64) to the working age population (15-64)'. 

I saw this definition, thought it was incorrect and ended up with the wrong answer! 


Could@farejul confirm whether we are to do Chapter 9 or 11 in the Class 8 NCERT? 

The timetable says chapter 9, but the name of chapter 11 is mentioned! 


the explanation for Question 9, clearly indicates the answer should be (c), which is efficient judiciary, but the answer is different.

More so, this is a PYQ!

Could anyone help me with the understanding of this question?


the explanation for Question 9, clearly indicates the answer should be (c), which is efficient judiciary, but the answer is different.

More so, this is a PYQ!

Could anyone help me with the understanding of this question?

I mean abolition of court fees in 1793 plan doesn't necessarily need to make judiciary any efficient. It's a relief measure to people rather than improving the efficiency. 

Just like how A39a (free legal aid ) didn't improve case back logs, judicial infrastructure and huge vacancies of judges in our judicial system. 

thank you! This makes a lot of sense! :)

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