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Mains 2021 - Strategy, Doubts, Resources etc

Hi peeps! 

Prelims result will be declared in 2-3 weeks. We may make it, we might not. Speculations will continue till then.

This thread is for those who want to move on. For those deciding to focus on the next phase of their prep; perhaps the most crucial one. We have less number of days this time (only about 85 days left). Let's collaborate and make the most of this time.

Here are the links to previous year's threads. Do go through them. There are gems in there. - In the description of this thread, you'll find links to paper wise threads of last year plus some handy resources.  This is the 2021 daily routine thread This is the 2022 daily routine thread created by@nerdfighter.

In both these threads, you are free to post your daily targets and hold each other accountable. Or just lurk there and be motivated by the effort people are putting in day after day. - This thread is created by@sbhati.Do contribute your facts and examples there. We can together build up a collection more than enough to conquer Mains.

Neyawn,DMand39 otherslike this


@peterparker I see, thanks mate!


Hello, good people of forum. I had a pretty bad mains last year, want to review my sources.

1) Society -

  • 2020: prepared nothing besides definitions of regionalism, communalism etc and few pointers.
  • Had difficulty with question on caste. so left it blank. Subpar performance on globalization and regionalism question
  • 2021: Thinking about doing 12th NCERTS + Rushikesh Reddy notes.
  • Any suggestions?

2) Geography

  • 2020: did NCERTS only.
  • Clueless on glaciers, desertification, forest resources etc questions.
  • 2021: Still clueless, cant identify any other source than ncerts.
  • Any suggestions?

3) Polity

  • 2020: Did Laxmikant
  • struggled with questions on speaker, evolution of RS, RPA process, functionality of local bodies etc.
  • 2021: maybe some VAM or toppers notes...?

Please can you suggest mains specific sources for these subjects...

@PhilOchs I can't think of anything wrt Geo and Polity. I would myself like to know something now.
For society, please have a look at Anudeep sir's notes on his blog. Very solid.

@Apollo11 don't move to Delhi man. Peace of mind and studious environment are too holy to give up. Connect with any popular photocopy shop to order your magazine/optional material in bulk. Will deliver at your home itself. Also follow D503's advice.


Hello, good people of forum. I had a pretty bad mains last year, want to review my sources.

1) Society -

  • 2020: prepared nothing besides definitions of regionalism, communalism etc and few pointers.
  • Had difficulty with question on caste. so left it blank. Subpar performance on globalization and regionalism question
  • 2021: Thinking about doing 12th NCERTS + Rushikesh Reddy notes.
  • Any suggestions?

2) Geography

  • 2020: did NCERTS only.
  • Clueless on glaciers, desertification, forest resources etc questions.
  • 2021: Still clueless, cant identify any other source than ncerts.
  • Any suggestions?

3) Polity

  • 2020: Did Laxmikant
  • struggled with questions on speaker, evolution of RS, RPA process, functionality of local bodies etc.
  • 2021: maybe some VAM or toppers notes...?

Please can you suggest mains specific sources for these subjects...


I maybe of help here. My scores for CSE 2020 are 93 in GS 1, 116 in GS 2

For Point 1 and 2:

1. You are correct in sources you've thought of in Society. Try to also start thinking on sociological lines for that portion. Look at test series questions and try to frame answers. Some aptitude can be developed from there too.

2. For Geography - those topics you mentioned were more in current affairs than NCERTs. You still have to use a mix of both for it.

3. For polity also, you may use VAMs - but be sure to crystallise and really reduce their volume in your head, have very tiny notes for them. If you want more, do the governance portion from Niti Aayog's India @ 75. Very handy source.

ssver2,GaryVeeand21 otherslike this
@Arrokoth what was ur sources of society ?



@Arrokoth what was ur sources of society ?

12 Sociology NCERTs + developing frameworks and aptitude for sociological answers (my optional isn't socio).

Added CA to all this.

@Arrokoth ty .ncert will not suffice i think only for general understanding this book is enough.
what about ignou?
have u gone through this?

@DM no, didn't feel the need to.

@Arrokoth thanks .


Hello, good people of forum. I had a pretty bad mains last year, want to review my sources.

1) Society -

  • 2020: prepared nothing besides definitions of regionalism, communalism etc and few pointers.
  • Had difficulty with question on caste. so left it blank. Subpar performance on globalization and regionalism question
  • 2021: Thinking about doing 12th NCERTS + Rushikesh Reddy notes.
  • Any suggestions?

2) Geography

  • 2020: did NCERTS only.
  • Clueless on glaciers, desertification, forest resources etc questions.
  • 2021: Still clueless, cant identify any other source than ncerts.
  • Any suggestions?

3) Polity

  • 2020: Did Laxmikant
  • struggled with questions on speaker, evolution of RS, RPA process, functionality of local bodies etc.
  • 2021: maybe some VAM or toppers notes...?

Please can you suggest mains specific sources for these subjects...


I maybe of help here. My scores for CSE 2020 are 93 in GS 1, 116 in GS 2

For Point 1 and 2:

1. You are correct in sources you've thought of in Society. Try to also start thinking on sociological lines for that portion. Look at test series questions and try to frame answers. Some aptitude can be developed from there too.

2. For Geography - those topics you mentioned were more in current affairs than NCERTs. You still have to use a mix of both for it.

3. For polity also, you may use VAMs - but be sure to crystallise and really reduce their volume in your head, have very tiny notes for them. If you want more, do the governance portion from Niti Aayog's India @ 75. Very handy source.

Your performance in GS 2 is amazing...

Which VAM you had referred for polity...? 

Did you employ similar test series based approach?

@ArrokothWelldone in GS2 comrade. Would you please, guide us, mere mortals?

Ideally how many mock tests of a single paper (mains) should be written considering we are getting only 13 days per paper? 
@EUROPOL my friends last year wrote around 18-20 GS papers including sectionals and FLT. I'm taking that as the benchmark for myself.


Hello, good people of forum. I had a pretty bad mains last year, want to review my sources.

1) Society -

  • 2020: prepared nothing besides definitions of regionalism, communalism etc and few pointers.
  • Had difficulty with question on caste. so left it blank. Subpar performance on globalization and regionalism question
  • 2021: Thinking about doing 12th NCERTS + Rushikesh Reddy notes.
  • Any suggestions?

2) Geography

  • 2020: did NCERTS only.
  • Clueless on glaciers, desertification, forest resources etc questions.
  • 2021: Still clueless, cant identify any other source than ncerts.
  • Any suggestions?

3) Polity

  • 2020: Did Laxmikant
  • struggled with questions on speaker, evolution of RS, RPA process, functionality of local bodies etc.
  • 2021: maybe some VAM or toppers notes...?

Please can you suggest mains specific sources for these subjects...


I maybe of help here. My scores for CSE 2020 are 93 in GS 1, 116 in GS 2

For Point 1 and 2:

1. You are correct in sources you've thought of in Society. Try to also start thinking on sociological lines for that portion. Look at test series questions and try to frame answers. Some aptitude can be developed from there too.

2. For Geography - those topics you mentioned were more in current affairs than NCERTs. You still have to use a mix of both for it.

3. For polity also, you may use VAMs - but be sure to crystallise and really reduce their volume in your head, have very tiny notes for them. If you want more, do the governance portion from Niti Aayog's India @ 75. Very handy source.

Your performance in GS 2 is amazing...

Which VAM you had referred for polity...? 

Did you employ similar test series based approach?

Hey, so I had done all topic wise VAMs for 2019 Mains itself (my first attempt), and scored 90 then. This time focus was on higher level retention and addition of India @ 75 Report + ARC summaries for specific sub-topics (used GS Score for this) for governance along with newspaper examples.

Wrote 3 sets of GS 2 papers. Marks were 101 (Vision), 87 (Forum), 96 (Vision) in them. The point wasn't the score, but my time management and on the spot recollection.

On both these major counts, I think I could improve. Probably why the 116. 

@TheSousChef this might be what you are looking for as well.

DM,GaryVeeand12 otherslike this
Guys, can you suggest any good test series for essay practice? Heard good things from Shabbir sir’s Edukemy but would like to know your reviews on it. Thanks. 
Has anyone taken concept classes (those with MGP++)? Please share your experiences. TIA.
Anyone have a word-doc version of Mains microsyllabus? Like what GS Score etc have? The one that I have is a PDF and I wanted to add some current-events-based sub-topics and also add some things, but would be too time consuming to make one afresh. 
Any Maths Optional  group for CSM -21
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