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Mains 2021 - Strategy, Doubts, Resources etc

Hi peeps! 

Prelims result will be declared in 2-3 weeks. We may make it, we might not. Speculations will continue till then.

This thread is for those who want to move on. For those deciding to focus on the next phase of their prep; perhaps the most crucial one. We have less number of days this time (only about 85 days left). Let's collaborate and make the most of this time.

Here are the links to previous year's threads. Do go through them. There are gems in there. - In the description of this thread, you'll find links to paper wise threads of last year plus some handy resources.  This is the 2021 daily routine thread This is the 2022 daily routine thread created by@nerdfighter.

In both these threads, you are free to post your daily targets and hold each other accountable. Or just lurk there and be motivated by the effort people are putting in day after day. - This thread is created by@sbhati.Do contribute your facts and examples there. We can together build up a collection more than enough to conquer Mains.

Neyawn,DMand39 otherslike this


@kohliwag ok thanks a lot...

@Imomf ✌🏻🙌🏻

@Howz_the_josh did sir finish the syllabus? how much time it took?


Thanks all of you guys.. seems mgp is the winner here. I have heard that vision has good quality questions and answers but lacks proper checking and feedback. Is it true?

I felt otherwise. Vision questions were unnecessarily going into detail of one specific topic. Especially in sectionals. Also evaluation used to vary paper by paper. 

Anyone selling GS Test series ?

Jai Shree Ram !

Michael Foucault,
Any good test series for economics optional?
I am looking for a model answer pdf for GS 1 mains 2020. I am unable to get any such good pdf free on the internet (of a good coaching institute). Can anybody share that with me?
How do you guys analyse/ learn from the topper's test copies uploaded by various institutes?
@chamomile This is what I do, read through a few copies get an idea about the structuring of an answer, see how to address the different part of a question and if I find anything new/diagram which I think even I can use in my answers I simply add that in my notes. 


such well thought out laws. 70 to 25 to 15% just waiting for when committees are abolished for all purposes. Even the parliament is not needed and shuld be replaced with directly elected executive with Supreme court performing the role of checks and balance kyuki parliament me toh jo bill introduce hota hai wo pass ho hi jaana hai and everyone mechanically votes according to the whip issued. Whats even the point of having MPs and MLAs.

@EUROPOL My score increased from 111 (2018) to 132 (2020) so maybe I can be of some help. 
1. While starting any topic, it is wise to tell the examiner you understand what the topic means. This could be through an quote, story, acentode or simple explanation. I made a random fictional story in the first essay and made original 2-3 line quote kind of stuff in another one to begin with. 

2. I took essay classes from Shabbir sir and it helped me a lot. He made the thinking process and approach towards essay paper very different. So if you can get hold of his notes, it would be nice.

3. The biggest take away from his classes was to not run behind generic political, economic dimensions. Think through the topic and see how you can put dimensions that are more specific for instance children, women, media, etc. 

4. Your conclusion should not only summarize the topic but also give a positive leaving remark.

5. Don't overdo quotes and all. At least I didn't. But I specifically worked on connecting paragraphs which I had missed in last mains. I Googled words that could be used when changing paras.

6. My essays had sub-headings. Both of them. In fact that helped me align my essay better but I didn't use the cliche what, pros/cons, advantages/disadvantages kind of sub-headings. Of course I don't remember what I wrote in exam but I do remember working on this and making some random sub-heading lists, some words that could be used in multiple sub-headings etc. 
For this, Anudeep Sir's essay notes (freely available on his blog) were useful. 

I wrote 2 (or may be 3) tests at Vikas Ranjan sir's and more or less was scoring around 120 in them. I took the comments seriously (more or less connecting paras kind of stuff) but also ignored some. For instance, in almost all essays the remark stated less dimensions. It was true but I had purposely decided not to take all dimensions under one sub heading because I wanted to delve deeper into the dimensions. I took several dimensions but spread across different headings. 

Minal Karanwal mam has written about essays in detail on her blog. I found it helpful

titanium17,EiChanand14 otherslike this
Dear friend,
Would you suggest me to join Shabbir Sir class ?
My marks in last 2 mains has been below average.
I really want some to mentor me.


Anyone looking to sell GS/Essay/Ethics Test series ?

Jai Shree Ram !

Anyone Looking to sell PSIR test series ?

Jai Shree Ram !

Last year they finished the course after Essay and GS1,2 paper on 10th Jan. No time for revision  

@Jesse_pinkman damn that's not acceptable at all

@IwW If you are writing mains this year, I do not know how you'll be able to manage his classes along with GS and optional. If you can manage it, then there is no harm going for his classes. 

someone pl let me know if any coaching test series of ANTHRO are available online for free
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