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Interview Transcripts of CSE/IFoS 2022

Please post interview transcripts of UPSC CSE or IFoS 2022 here, so that all can access and get benefitted from them.

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Board:Raj Shukla sir
Hobbies -watching war and biopic movies
Interested in reading social issues like child labour and homelessness

1.what is biopic movie
2. Dangal do you consider it as biopic
3.what was the challenges Mahavir phogat had to face
4. Why he could do ,and not me and you
4.1. Do you think anything has changed since Mahavir phogat in haryana
5. Which one do you think is more important communication or courage
6.Do you know field marshal manekshaw USA and China in political, military aspect?
8. So you think democracy is better than communism ?
9. Why do you think China is making incursion in india,do you US has a role in it ?
10. So should we come out of quad ?
11. What is diplomacy?
12. What should we do with pakistan ? Talk?
13. But they don't want to listen? Do you think our policy of not talking is right?

Many questions I don't remember

Member 1
1. What did you like in budget this year
2. Why government is not promoting currency outflow
3. High networth individuals are leaving country, what should we do ?
4.Are you in job or service

Many questions I don't remember

Member 3
1. What is your opnion on triple talaq
2. Don't you think ,husband won't he able to provide for women if he is in jail
3. What is your opnion on hijab issue
4. So why so much demand in hijab

Still some questions I don't remember

Member 3
1. If made IAS in some state ,what policy would you recommend to make it silicon valley like bangalore do you develop skills
3. Who was the chief guest in republic day and which country
4. Why is Egypt important
5. Do you think Egypt has a potential to become leader of Muslim world( I said every other country in middle want to become leader in  Muslim world )
6. Saudi Arabian prince has brought reforms what are they ?
7. What about reforms in social sphere?

Still some questions I don't remember

Member 4
1. Long question on Russia Ukraine war ,then asked you think it could have been avoided
2. How do you see zelensky as patriot or a person who brought ruin to Ukraine
3. Do you think Ukraine war has only 2 players or more
4. What should we do with pakistan ,economic crisis it is facing, should we engage ?

Still some questions I don't remember

Thank you . They said.

My remarks -It was more of conversation. Mocks grill but real panel wants to know your personality ,which you can express only if they make you comfortable by not grilling.

Board was cordial. Though some physical distraction cannot be over ruled.

Utility of mocks-
Give you idea of interview and some questions .

Insightsias vinay sir one to one.
Iasbaba mohan sir one to one.
Samkalp-santhosh ji daf analysis.
Vajiram-Ravindran sir

Any two of above would be preferable. Though all good

Panel mocks-

Bengaluru-india4ias ,shankar.
दिनांक और सत्र - 07 फरवरी 2023; Tuesday
            दोपहर बाद ,पांचवा नंबर (3:55 to 4:25PM)
 बोर्ड - Mrs. Preeti Sudan Ma'am
वैकल्पिक विषय - हिंदी साहित्य
विश्वविद्यालय -B.Sc.(PCM) इलाहाबाद केंद्रीय विश्वविद्यालय ; प्रयागराज
रुचि एवं अन्य गतिविधियां - भोजन पकाना (cooking); पौराणिक प्रवचन सुनना; अभिप्रेरित करना (Motivation), बिरहा जैसे लोकगीत सुनना( Folk music)
Interview time- 28 minutes approx

Chairperson: Mrs. Preeti Sudan Ma'am
(Totally on hobby)
1. आप कौन से प्रवचन सुनते हैं ?
2. कौन सी कहानी आप को सबसे अधिक पसंद है?
3. आप कहां से सुनते हैं ?
4.वह उपयुक्त कथन /उपदेश)बताइए
(यत् यत् आचरति श्रेष्ठ: तत् तत् एवं इतर: जन:......From Shri Geeta)
5. इसका प्रशासन में कैसे उपयोग करेंगे ?

M.1( female)
1. कुटुंब क्या है?(In daf family mentioned)
2. क्या आज के समय में कुटुंब खत्म हो रहे हैं?
3. जी-20 में कुटुंब संबंधित थीम क्या है ?
4. यह कहां से लिया गया है?
 5.आपका वैकल्पिक विषय हिंदी साहित्य है तो आपके पसंदीदा रचनाकार और काल कौन सा है?
 6.उनकी कुछ पंक्तियां बताइए?

M.2 (Sir)
1.मंगनियार क्या है ?
2.गरम मसाला की खोज कहां हुई थी ?(cooking)
(They told me that invented by Britishers in south india then Indian knew)
3.आप कौन कौन सा खाना पकाते हैं?
4. पारंपरिक भोजन क्या है ,क्या पनीर भी पारंपरिक भोजन है? ( I'd told paneer in previous answer as Paramparik fook😅) में कितनी पशुधन आबादी है? (Agriculture background)
6. छुट्टे पशुओं की समस्या?
7. हितोपदेश और पंचतंत्र की कहानियों में क्या प्रमुख अंतर है?( I'd mentioned to Chairperson in earlier answer)
8. शॉर्ट सेलिंग क्या है? ( Adani issue)
9. इसका उल्टा क्या होता है ?
 10.हिंडनबर्ग की रिपोर्ट क्या राष्ट्र पर हमला है ?
11.क्या 1992 के हर्षद मेहता या अन्य मामलों के बाद जैसे शेयर मार्केट में अगले दो-तीन वर्षों तक गिरावट आई थी ऐसा कुछ होने वाला है ?
12.क्या RBI ,SEBI एजेंसियां सो रही थी ?
13. FPI क्या है ?
14.म्यूच्यूअल फंड क्या है?
15. क्या म्यूचुअल फंड डेट सिक्योरिटी एवं शेयर में इन्वेस्टमेंट करते हैं या किसी एक में करते हैं या दोनों में करते हैं?

M.3( female)
1.खाना बनाकर आप किस को खिलाते हो ? Hobby
2.आप घर के अलावा किस को मोटिवेट करते हो ?hobby
3.जो गांव में या अन्य जगह assets का निर्माण होता है या बाद में वह एसेट बर्बाद हो जाती है या बिक जाती है तो क्या इसका ब्यौरा डॉक्यूमेंट में लिखा जाता है ?किस डॉक्यूमेंट में लिखा जाता है ? क्या आज डिजिटल तरीके से लोड हो रहा है ? (Mother -Gram Pradhan)
( इसके बाद पुनः बात धीरे-धीरे बजट पर चली गई)
4. बजट में व्यय कितने प्रकार के हैं ?
5.संविधान में बजट को लेकर क्या प्रावधान है?
6. अगर घाटा होता है तो सरकार कैसे पूरा करती है ? 7.संविधान में न्यायाधीशों को वेतन देने की क्या व्यवस्था है?
(Consolidated fund)
 क्या इस पर संसद में मतदान होता है ?
8.बिरहा क्या है ( folk music)?(hobby)
9.क्या यह लिखित दस्तावेज है या मौखिक है ?
10.इसमें कौन से वाद्य यंत्र प्रयोग होते हैं?
11. आप इसमें क्या करते हैं -गाते हैं या बजाते हैं etc

1.बिरहा के जनक कौन हैं ?(hobby)
2.पूर्वांचल में घुमंतू ,आवारा पशुओं की समस्या? सरकार इसके लिए क्या कर रही है? जमीनी स्तर पर क्या हो रहा है ?
3.इसके लिए आप अभिनव तरीके से क्या कर सकते हैं? तकनीकी का उपयोग करके कैसे इनका प्रबंधन किया जा सकता है ? (मैंने पहले राज्य सरकार और केंद्र सरकार की योजनाओं को बताया ।उसके बाद बताया कि सर व्यक्तिगत मेरी यह समझ है कि हम शहरों में एक बड़ी गौशाला बनाएं जो केंद्र सरकार बना रही है, उसमें एक तरफ घुमंतू पशुओं को एकत्र करें और दूसरी तरफ शहर में भिक्षावृत्ति करने वाले लोगों को भी नियोजित करें जिससे मुफ्त में सेवादार मिलेंगे ही और साथ ही उनकी पोषण सुरक्षा भी सुनिश्चित हो सकेगी और हम self-sustainable बना सकेंगे)
 4.इनको कैसे self-sustainable बनाया जा सकता है? जिससे सरकार को वित्तीय सहायता ना देनी पड़े? (from last answer keyboard)
5.आप इन गौशालाओं को किस जगह बनाएंगे ?बंजर भूमि क्या है? यह कहां कहां पाई जाती है ?
6.जब आप इनकी उर्वर खाद से बंजर भूमि को उपजाऊ कर देंगे, तो पशुओं को कहां भेजेंगे? (जब सर ने मुझे परेशान करना चाहा तब चेयरपर्सन मैम ने उनको रोक दिया )

Thank you Bajrang, Your interview is over
All the best Beta !😊
DOI- 21st march, forenoon, 4th to go
Duration- 25-30 min
Board- Raj shukla sir


1. Why there is so much talk about semiconductor, + monologue on semiconductor.
2. Where India I lagging, is it about human resource or capital, or technology or any thing else.
3. He explained in brief about a book called "chipwar" by chris Miller. And asked why in recent meeting called by govt only few semiconductor companies came up.
4. Tell me name of any indian semiconductor company.
5. Asked the name and department of an engineer in tesla company whose payment is more than elon musk.


1. Issues of coal in dhanbad(Daf)
2. How to tackle coal theft using technolgy.
3. About mindfulness meditation(Daf).
4. Importance of management games in working.(Daf).


1. What changes u have observed after conversion of ISM Dhanbad into IIT(ISM) Dhanbad.
2. At what level different iits collaborate.
3. Are u aware of any body being formed to regulate iits and iims.
4. Drivers of budget 2023-24, sanptarishi, allocation to education sector.
5. Use of AI in different sector


1. Take a problem of any sector, and solve it using technology, then some follow up questions.
2. Don't u think anti defection law is curbing fos&e of legislatures.
3. What is anglosphere.


1. Govt is formed by getting 35% vote, 65% go unrepresented , how to tackle this.
2. Explain list system.
3. When was last time PM Modi visited your district(kushinagar) and for what purpose. Some follow up questions.
4. Tell me name of a PM from ur area.

Then MEMBER said thank you.

Chairperson told me ur interview is over u can go now.
Board..chobey sir
Hobbies: basketball and badminton

1.tell about your academic background and work experience.
2.why you want to become a civil servant.

1.national dairy research institute  what it is known for.
2.How NDDB(dairy dev board)process work and hepled in operation flood. haryana cooperative works if compare to operation flood and where it happened.
4.other than research work,how nddb helping farmers and their income.
5.Is there animal census.

1.which day is today globally related to human health and how it is significant
2.when last census happened, how it is significant and when will be next. do u see sports participaion of women in haryana(daf).
4.which other states significantly doing well other than sports person from northeast state.
5.tell only one significant solution for correction of child malnutrition.

1.what is this balanced diet and components do u think people focused on it.
2.In recent years no.of cancer cases increased but death is not much,according to u which disease cause more no.of death globally and in india as well.
3.fires food awareness increasing more and more now a days...fibre biscuit and all...though it neither give nutrition nor absorb any nutrient..why then fibres are given
such importance.
4.whan eat antibiotics what impacts o n gut
5.which bacteria present in gut
6.what is probiotic and prebiotic what impacts of these products .
7.components of balanced diet
8.In india there is difference between food non-vegetarian and vegetarian diet  what is the source of vit.b12

M4 do u see agnipath schemes..tells its significance if any and if not as protest happened..should it be removed.
2.national education policy is being seen as a significant step still it has issues what are those
3.India and china relation how could be solved and if not what its impact
4.countries adjacent to India is being downfallling ,do u think India could save itself in such situations.

Chairman u want us to ask u anything else...i said no sir,thanku sir.
Sir said...your interview is over.

Mock utility....give you experience to speak but in upsc most of the questions from daf and current.
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