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How hectic is SFG 2022?

So some feel SFG is hectic, some people feel it is mageable, some people feel it is going a bit slow. What do you feel?

DM,Adrikaand17 otherslike this



Overall, I feel SFG has a well-designed plan. However, if it would have been further spread i.e. 10 more days, it will give us more adequate time to cover NCERTs well, which is quite important in these months. Also, for subjects like History and Environment, the SFG schedule should give more time because they are factual in nature and needs time to memorize. @Neyawn Sir, It would be great if you consider it based on popular demand, and stretch it by 10 March. Then also, with a strong base, we will have time to pick other things in level-2, which probably starts by 15-20 March to 10-15 May, and in the last 15-20 days we can revise on our own.

Whatever plans forumias makes, i dont  think we should stretch beyond may. My previous experience has been that the last month should be exclusively for revision and nothing new. Else it gets overwhelming. 

If they consider the saturday break…we should  compensate it by shortening the time between sfg1 n 2 and not extending into may. At this point of time, i don't think there should be an issue if we only have a small gap between sfg1 n sfg2. 

In my case, i feel Daily targets can be done to a large extent if i push myself. Things start going south when i think about mains. At the same time completely switching to pre is causing anxiety. 

Thumb rule is that if you have not cleared Prelims before like 1-2 times or more, you stick to Prelims. Matlab saal bhar chhor ke Mains ki yaad prelims ke pehle hi aati hai. Jaise ki some people join a Prelims test series next day after the Prelims is over and not before. 

Having said that, extending the program by 10 days - our experience is that people will not be able to sustain a high-pitched preparation, so the shorter we keep it , the better it will be. You extend it by another months and you see commitment and energy levels drop. After 2 months of rigorous studying, you will need a break of 10 days or so, where productivity will tank. Level 2, Polity, you should sail through even in low productivity times. 

Similarly, when Level 2 finishes, there will be a sudden drop in productivity for 10 days or so. After that, it has to pick up the pace, and you have to go full throttle for Prelims. The goal should be to finish off Level 2, 20-30 days before the Prelims so that you have a 10 day low study phase followed by 10-15 days of day night revision before writing the actual Prelims. In the end, we have to peak on the day of the Prelims. Not before or after it.

The peaks that you are expected to have during SFG are small hilltops.

I am no knight. Do not call me Sir

Patrick_jane,BASSICKand17 otherslike this
@Neyawn true that! I did that mistake last time, prepping for mains despite inadequate prelims prep. There's enough time after prelims tbh. We can even do some decent answer writing during SFG level 1 too. (like 1 answer a day from the SFG syllabus for the day). 

Patrick_jane,NidhiPaland1 otherslike this

I am no knight. Do not call me Sir

D7,Saint_1and27 otherslike this
@Neyawn Sir please check your DM.

seems like every place has censorship to an extend. 
AB12,sjerngaland3 otherslike this
SFG itself is not hectic, but there must be many of us like me who are contracted with COVID. In those circumstances, getting up at 7 and taking the test is definitely hectic. Having said that, one has no option but to strive harder. 
Saint_1,El Doradoand4 otherslike this
It's hectic for working professionals but it teaches time management as well

Not so hectic SFG is preparing us for the hectic days to come.

Babu vivek,Jaguar303
Its kind of hectic for working professionals like me. I am personally not able to cover both ncert and lakshmikant which is causing anxiety and leads to low score. I am trying to gear up but time for preparation 
@Neyawn it could have been better if you guys could arrange saturday for current affairs test and other 5 days for basic syllabus, the way you were doing in first batch of sfg 2018) 

Nik chauhan,schrute_farmsand4 otherslike this
Never thought my first week of sfg would be me getting covid. I could not give any test as I was very sick. Anyways I have started from the second week. It will be very helpful if You make a video or some startegy for how to manage our daily schedule. How much time should be alloted to every part of our studies?? Losing 1 week is giving anxiety and underconfidence and need to cover lost part with upcoming parts too

Can’t we shift the timing to 9:30@Neyawn sir ?

these spine chilling cold days, omicron…….

also, we could simulate real exam timings 9:30 to 11:30 including revision for what our body needs to b habituated.


Amazing first week experience..After failed 10th October 2021 battle I'm trying to get back into the momentum but failed again and again then decided to join SFG ( earlier though will start from level 2 😀) then first week result..

1. Wake up early in the morning 6.30am ( chilly weather/fog..doesn't matter )

2. Almost completed polity which I'm trying to complete since last month

3. Increases daily hours of study ( as need to give time current,optional)

4. Improve productivity as pressure to get good marks and rank as well 

Overall great experience and will assure myself that SFG will bring me back into the battle of 5th June 2022🤘

Divyanshu,heisenberg_and6 otherslike this
this poll will be more meaningful once we enter into other sections after polity.
Divyanshu,PabloJrand1 otherslike this
The SFG planning is helping to get in track to the preparation.. however as my other preparation for optional is going along with it, it became so hectic that last week I felt like lost somewhere between the mains and prelims..Dont know how to prioritise...any how I managed to get time..some of the SFG syllabus is pending and test for optional were also left...still struggling to manage the is hectic.... however may help to become learn time management...hoping for this weekend to be good...

Can't say it's hectic but it gets overwhelming sometimes when you have to align your optional and gs mains and current affairs along with the sfg schedule. Also getting low scores since you are not able to revise laxmikant is a bit frustating at times. But the most satisfying part is getting up in the morning everyday and having a routine for the entire day, so what if its a bit hectic. 

When first sfg test is announced to be held I was so excited but then my whole family was suffered from health issues what should I do then I have to take care all of them as m the only one who was okay besides this m managing to study atleast atleast to study some 2 to 4 hrs a day ....what I mean to say here is we all r facing one or the other problems in our life but this is what the challenge is we all have to sail through these tough situation besides crying for giving us more time do what u can do in 24 hrs or in just 2 hrs....

Amazing first week experience..After failed 10th October 2021 battle I'm trying to get back into the momentum but failed again and again then decided to join SFG ( earlier though will start from level 2 😀) then first week result..

1. Wake up early in the morning 6.30am ( chilly weather/fog..doesn't matter )

2. Almost completed polity which I'm trying to complete since last month

3. Increases daily hours of study ( as need to give time current,optional)

4. Improve productivity as pressure to get good marks and rank as well 

Overall great experience and will assure myself that SFG will bring me back into the battle of 5th June 2022🤘

Finally a positive one .....we all need to be positive ..... everything will become good for sure....


@Neyawn  it helps in coming out of our comfort zone,Sunday can be used as filling gaps and revision,the time table is great, its we who lack in time mngmt not Ayush sir or SFG

SFG requires to break my comfort zone and daily targets and tests help me in evaluating my preparation on regular interval. It helps in setting me accountable that is if i don't study today, I don't have to wait for 5th june to realise that i should have studied. The very next day this realisation would be crystal clear when i see my poor performance in terms of low score and poor rank. In the same paper some would be scoring in 90s and if i am getting in range of 70s-80s, that means i need to improve because ultimately if others can score that much, why not me. It is like someone is nudging you everyday to study. One more thing, it helps in focusing on the areas Which i generally used to ignore, for the question that whether two states are free to agree to use regional language for communication was asked in one of test. I marked this as right statement despite reading laxmikanth multiple times.(not regional but hindi) Basically it would be helping to focus on minute details too. Some would say itni chhoti detail kyun hi puchhega commission. I also used to think in same way untill my failure in prelims. I never read history art and culture with so much attention. Result, i flunked prelims with narrow margin despite doing well in polity and economy sections and average in science and technology. Question such as nawaj khan, prem kumar sehgal, gurbaksh singh was given in spectrum but i never focussed on such detailed hence could not attempt the question in real examination. We should not make questions wrong which are given in traditional sources because it is not like that they are asking 100 questions from our sources only. Already there are limited question which are directly lifted from our sources so by making them wrong we are reducing chances of clearing prelims kyunki francis Xavier jaise question to hone nahi hain wha to jo asan hai wo galat nhi hona Chahiye. As ayush sir says you don't fail prelims because you marked kharai camel question wrong but because you made blunder with basic polity question. So i hope SFG would help in minimising such kind of mistakes and ultimately clearing prelims with safe margin.
D7,June_Osborneand16 otherslike this
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