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Doubt Clearance Thread: UPSC 2021

"When in doubt, observe and ask questions. When certain, observe at length and ask many more questions."

Created this thread as a one stop solution for all members so that all the doubts wherein any conceptual clarification is required can be solved here. 

jack_Sparrow,curious_kidand122 otherslike this


The Appropriation Bill passed recently allows funds to be sanctioned from the Consolidated Fund. My doubt is that the when the Budget is of Rs 30 lac crore (approx), why is the Appropriation Bill of Rs 110 lac cr. What else does the appropriation bill include other than the budgeted expense for next yr ?


Appointment of supreme court and high court judges is done by the President in consultation with a collegium of CJI and 4 senior most judges of the Supreme Court.

How is this statement wrong ?


Collegium for SC judges appointment & transfer of SC/HC judges has CJI+ 4 senior most judges of SC while ,

Collegium for high court judges appointment has CJI + 2 senior most judges

EiChan,ArchAngel96and3 otherslike this


The Appropriation Bill passed recently allows funds to be sanctioned from the Consolidated Fund. My doubt is that the when the Budget is of Rs 30 lac crore (approx), why is the Appropriation Bill of Rs 110 lac cr. What else does the appropriation bill include other than the budgeted expense for next yr ?

It includes both non-votable and votable expenditures. Expenditures of the government, such as repayment of public debts, expenses incurred by the judiciary, etc. are not generally voted on by the Parliament, and these expenses are charged on the Consolidated Fund of India, as per Article 112(3).

@upsc2020 okay...just checked the appropriation act ...of the 110 lac cr, nearly 75 lac cr is charged expenditure & a major component of that is repayment of debt @68 lac cr.... interest payments further add 7 lac cr to the charged expenditure...other charged expenditure are miniscule.



what is the difference between Major non-NATO Ally and NATO ally 

and what is the status that India has been recently granted?

Thanks for help

If you are seeking a close military and strategic relation with USA, you join the NATO - a military grouping led by USA to contain Communism.

If you are an ally, you better be part of NATO.

In the post world war order India chose to stay non aligned.

Neither a member of NATO, nor a member of Warsaw pact - a rival military grouping led by Soviet Union.

Nearly half a century later, Indian and US come closer. The world is a different place. NATO has little relevance. Warsaw pact is dead.

US designates India ( and other countries that came closer to US subsequently ) as non NATO allies. 

I am no knight. Do not call me Sir


Can anyone explaintriffins dilemma?


Can anyone explaintriffins dilemma?

It means that a central bank like RBI cannot manage current account, exchange rate and monetary policy all together. By management here, we mean, in economics everything is linked, and taking an independent stand by not affecting the other is difficult. 

It's basically a conflict of economic interests that arises between short-term domestic and long-term international objectives for countries whose currencies serve as global reserve currencies. For example, Dollar. 


I am facing difficulties to revise the spectrum chapter on people resistance before 1857, there are so many movements, unable to understand which point focus. Can anyone help me?

After revising statics and current for 5 days a week, how to revise for full length test on Sunday?



I am facing difficulties to revise the spectrum chapter on people resistance before 1857, there are so many movements, unable to understand which point focus. Can anyone help me?

After revising statics and current for 5 days a week, how to revise for full length test on Sunday?

You need to write and learn. While reading, keep jotting on a rough sheet. Focus on who started, region, cause, impact. Also, if any different sounding terminology associated with it, keep a note of it. 

What revision for full length? You cannot revise the entire syllabus ever before a test.


If art 32 were to be suspended during an emergency , how could one move court against infringement of art 20,21?


If art 32 were to be suspended during an emergency , how could one move court against infringement of art 20,21?

Article 226:  High Court has the power to issue writs including the writs of habeas corpus, mandamus, prohibition, quo warranto, and certiorari or any of them for the enforcement of the rights. 


what is the iucn status for Pygmy Hog 

Is it CR or En ?


what is the iucn status for Pygmy Hog 

Is it CR or En ?

Critically Endangered

The extent of wildlife protection act in all of india except j&k. So after abrogation of article 370 does WPA extents to J&K
The extent of wildlife protection act in all of india except j&k. So after abrogation of article 370 does WPA extents to J&K

It has to be notified by the government first. I presume, that hasn't been done. 


Can anyone explain office of whip is mentioned in any statue or established by convention. ?


Can anyone explain office of whip is mentioned in any statue or established by convention. ?

Office of whip is mentioned neither in constitution, nor in rules of house, nor in parliamentary statute. It is based on the conventions of the parliamentary system of government.


Can anyone explain office of whip is mentioned in any statue or established by convention. ?

Office of whip is mentioned neither in constitution, nor in rules of house, nor in parliamentary statute. It is based on the conventions of the parliamentary system of government.

recently some act has been which has given statutory status either to whip or some other post.  Can't remember exactly.  Do you remember something about it?



Can anyone explain office of whip is mentioned in any statue or established by convention. ?

Office of whip is mentioned neither in constitution, nor in rules of house, nor in parliamentary statute. It is based on the conventions of the parliamentary system of government.

recently some act has been which has given statutory status either to whip or some other post.  Can't remember exactly.  Do you remember something about it?

No idea.

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