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CSE 2021: Plan / Strategy / Daily Routine

Hello 2021 aspirants. I thought it would be nice if we can share what we are doing and intend to do with one another here.

This could be a thread for discussing everything prep for 2021. 

No one method fits all but to see the plans and progress made by fellow aspirants might help with the finer details of preparation and also keep one on track. 

Moderator Update: This thread has crossed 1 million views and has thousands of comments slowing down the website. We are closing this and moving to the next thread

jack_Sparrow,rootand121 otherslike this


The Sense of An Ending:

So, hello!

Writing this post on this thread because probably/maybe/perhaps you guys would know about us.

Who's us?

Me and @AJ_ 

What are we upto?

Tying up ends, so to speak. FC is coming up for both of us (three of us actually, @whatonly )and then IAS/IPS/IRS trainings start. So, basically THE career begins. And shoppings for the career begin much early.

So, we wouldn't be here. Not in the absolutely-sitting-at-this-site-constantly-refreshing way anyway.

Bhai kehna kya chahte ho?

That we would want to help as many people as possible before we leave this place. Try and help people sharpen their tools for Pre-Mains-Interview and lessen their anxieties.

Because once that training starts, we wouldn't be of much use on one-to-one interactions. And we, simply put, would hopefully be occupied by learnings about services, than to visit this place regularly.

We'd be leaving this space by 6th November '21.Till then, here to help. All the time.

Ask us things, worries, doubts and talk to us. We'd be happy to indulge.

So, finally, looking forward to talking to you guys if you would want.

@Arrokoth - Rank 124, CSE 2020

Pre Scores:

2019 - GS: 129.34  CSAT - 100.34

2020 - GS: 117.69  CSAT - 106.68

@AJ_  - Rank 16, CSE 2020

Pre Score:

2020 - GS: ~121  CSAT: ~140

So, as promised, we tried to answer all queries that came our way.

Hopefully that added some value to your strategy and mental peace.

It is time for @AJ_  and I to log-out. 

Push yourself, motivate each other and never forget that hardwork beats intelligence and luck 10 times over in this exam.

All the best and Godspeed!

Something to end my time here by:

"Happiness can be found, even in the darkest of times, if one only remembers to turn on the light."

Joeyisthebest,GaryVeeand40 otherslike this

Today, I feel exhausted. 

In the last outstation trip (more than a year ago), I went to Manali to enjoy one landscape that I most enjoy– The Himalayas. Like always, me and three of my friends started our journey to check the most important item on the itinerary– to trek in the mountains. Only this time, we took a decision to go for one of the most secluded waterfalls in Old Manali. This one is so unconventional that it doesn’t even have a name. All we had was an offline map that we had downloaded before heading off, fully aware that there would be no mobile networks in the vast jungles. It was a 6 km uphill trek one-way and we had to be back by evening, which makes it 12 km up-down in an 8 hour duration (which we eventually had to overshoot to 12 hours).
Long story short, we did reach our destination and we did return the same day, but got lost in the middle of the jungle while returning back when it had almost become pitch dark . No light except the stars gazing in the sky and the flashlights of our phones which could die any moment. Apparently the offline map that we had downloaded had failed us.
I had loved the mountains way too much before that day.. But in that particular moment I just wanted to get away from all that. There was absolutely no sign of humanity in a 6 km radius and no one was aware that we were on the trek since it was not a traditional trekking route. 

Eventually we did make it back after almost 12 hours and there was nothing more elating than seeing civilization again. 

This incident is so similar to the mental agony that I am facing at the moment. That day, I was not just physically tired but I had mentally given up too. One of the most emotionally challenging moments of my life where every step had to be taken with a sense of reassurance and constantly telling yourself that it's just a few more kilometres to go, few more steps to take. 

Today I am so tired, mentally drained with all the stuff that I have to cram. Mentally drained of sitting on the same chair daily.. Every hour, I feel like giving up. But the very thought that the destination is worth every tear I shed, every anxious heartbeat, makes me sit for an hour more.. And just like that, I tread. Slowly ofcourse, but never stopping , because that is not how I want to look back. It is as mentally and physically draining as the day in the mountains.. 

That evening I was pretty convinced I would never travel to the hills again, let alone trek on a relatively unchartered territory. But with the benefit of hindsight, I can fairly say that it was one of the most daunting things I had done. The most adventurous and totally worth it. The amount of grit and perseverance that made it possible for me to not give up was more than what I knew that possessed. 

Today, I am trying to channelise the same amount of grit and determination to get over this mental baggage and fatigue.  Upsc preparation for me at the moment is not just about the amount of knowledge I have, or the quality of answers I am writing, but also about the sheer determination which is not letting me quit despite all the fear and anxiety. As much as I want to take a long vacation and give my mind the rest it deserves, I also realise, every second, that I still have to play my part and the journey is not over yet. 

Just like that day when I surprised myself with my mental strength, I surprise myself every day by waking up early and showing up on my study table.
I do not know what the result will be. Will it be as beautiful as the waterfall the other day? I am not sure.. 

There is only one thing that I can say to myself at the moment “rest if you must but don't you quit”.. !!

Deepak802,D503and36 otherslike this

Group Captain Varun Singh

1.I hope this letter finds you, your family, the faculty and the children

of the school in the best of health in these challenging times, I am an

alumnus of the school's 2000 batch. Wg Cdr Avtar Singh (Retd) was the

principal at the time and the present Vice-Principal Mrs Vijay Lakshmi was our English teacher. After completing school, I was selected for NDA and thereafter joined the Air Force in the Flying Branch, fighter stream

2.I write to you filled with a sense of pride and humility. On 15th Aug

this year I have been awarded Shaurya Chakra by the President of India

in recognition of an act of gallantry on 12 Oct 20. I credit this prestigious

award to all those I have been associated with over the years in school,

NDA and thereafter the Air Force as I firmly believe that my actions that

day were a result of the grooming and mentoring by my teachers,

instructcrs and peers over the years

  1. I write to share some thoughts about my life which I feel may help

and inspire children who might feel that they are meant to be only

mediocre in this hyper competitive world.

4.I was a very average student who barely scored 1 division in 12'h

class. Even though I was made the Discipline Prefect in 12', I was equally

average even in sports and other co-curricular activities. But 1 had a

passion for airplanes and aviation I represented the school in 92 Aeronautical Society of India Quiz twice and we stood 2nd and 3rd in those events.

5.As I went to NDA, I passed out as an OC (Officer Cadet) and did

not excel either in studies or sport to make the cut to be an appointment

in NDA. It is when I reached AFA that I started to realise that my passion

for aviation gave me an edge over my peers. Still, even then I lacked

confidence in my true capabilities.

6.I lacked confidence as I always thought I was meant to be average

and there was no point in trying to excel, as I possibly couldn't excel at

anything. After commissioning as a young Flight Lieutenant in a Fighter

Squadron I realised that I could do well if I put my mind and heart to it. I

started working to be that best I could be, as opposed to only making sure I achieve the 'pass' standard.

7.It is at this point that things started to turn around in my

professional and personal life. I resolved to do each task to the best of

my abilities, whether it was flying or otherwise. I was soon selected to

undergo the challenging Flying Instructors course, wherein I bagged two

trophies out of the five.

8.Subsequently I volunteered for the prestigious and rigorous

Experimental Test Pilot course which had a 4 stage selection and only 7

out of 59 pilots who appeared made it through. And during the 11 months

long course one of the pilots was withdrawn from the course as he could

not cope with the rigours of the course.

9.Thereafter, I was selected to undergo the prestigious Staff College

abroad and on return was posted to a Tejas aircraft Squadron even

though I had crossed the seniority bracket to qualify for change of aircraft.My credentials as an Experimental Test Pilot were the reason for this challenging and exciting posting

10.In 2019 I was in the first list of 12 candidates for ISRO's

Gaganyaan programme. Though, I did not make the final cut due to a

medical requirement. Subsequently, last year on the fateful day, I was

faced with a grave and critical failure in my aircraft, The SOP required me

to eject and abandon the aircraft. However, I took a few calculated risks

and managed to land the aircraft without any damage to either the aircraft or civilians. The citation for the award is attached as reference.

11?I bring out the above not to blow my trumpet or with a desire to

seek a pat on the back. I write to let the children know a few of the

following thoughts of my life experiences that may help them in future.

12."It is ok to be mediocre. Not everyone will excel at school and not

everyone will be able to score in the 90s. If you do, it's an amazing

achievement and must be applauded. However, if you don't, do not think

that you are meant to be mediocre. You may be mediocre in school but it

is by no means a measure of things to come in life. Find your calling, it

could be art, music, graphic design, literature etc. Whatever you work

towards, be dedicated, do your best. Never go to bed thinking I could

have put in more effort.

13.Never lose hope, never think that you cannot be good at what you

want to be. It will not come easy, it will take effort, it will require sacrifice

of time and comfort. I was mediocre, and today I have reached difficult

milestones in my career. Do nol think that 12' board marks decide what

you are capable of achieving in life. Believe in yourself, work towards it."

14.I would be deeply humbled if in your judgement some part of this

story may be shared with the children, especially the teens as they near

adulthood with its complexities of societal pressures, academic

challenges and a sometimes an uncertain and frightening future.

15?If I am is able to inspire even one child to believe him/her in

himself/herself I would have achieved my objective of writing to you.

dalpha,GaryVeeand36 otherslike this

It was an amazing experience here. Forum has truly been a very helpful community.

Best of Luck to everyone :)

Joeyisthebest,MikeWozniakand34 otherslike this
                                           FEAR by Khalil Gibran
                             It is said that before entering the sea
                                         a river trembles with fear.

                      She looks back at the path she has travelled,
                             from the peaks of the mountains,
                the long winding road crossing forests and villages.

                                       And in front of her,
                                  she sees an ocean so wast,
                                            that to enter
                there seems nothing more than to disappear forever.

                                      But there is no other way.
                                       The river cannot go back.

                                           Nobody can go back.
                            To go back is impossible in existence.

                                  The river needs to take the risk
                                          of entering the ocean
                             because only then will fear disappear,
                           because that's where the river will know
                          it's not about disappearing into the ocean,
                                        but of becoming the ocean.
#Keep going comrades 
Deepak802,D503and34 otherslike this

Hello People!

I'm a new visitor on this thread; not because I didn't have anything to write, but because I was so awestruck looking at all the things people were doing here, (and I don't mean just study wise).

These goals you set for yourselves and your constant trial to reach them is paradoxically both intensely personal and very universal.

Everything you feel right now, has been felt by everyone who ever made it in anything. And yet, the feelings are so intensely isolating - the shame, sorrow, anger, motivation, the "what ifs", the daydreaming and the anxiety. Feels like being weightless and having the entirety of the world's weight on you at the same time.

I know this because I've felt it with each Pre I gave. In 2019, my first one, I couldn't hear the invigilator over the sound of my blood pumping in my ears. I thought this is how people have a stroke. The past fortnight had been an absolute wreck, and I was sure that no matter what I did - it would be a disaster.

I cleared that Pre with a margin of ~35 marks above the cutoff. Not because I was confident, but because in the depth of that anxiety, sitting on that creaky school bench, worrying about why ever I dreamt of being a civil servant - I told myself that I'll be alright. With no proof for support, and all the proof to contrary - I just told myself that no matter what happens, I will always be alright. I'll be happy, calm and composed in those 4 hours - like in my entire career, if I just have faith that I'll be alright. And my mind clicked to its place, looked at the million-th MCQ I was about to read...and it was done.

So, my people, please have a bit of crazy faith in yourself. Faith that comes like Human Rights do, from the sole fact of existence on Earth. No matter how not-ready you are, (although try and study to your level best), just believe that it's okay.

Not out of a sense of fatalism or defeatism, but out of the same unearned optimism that pushes people to be RCB fans. 

This is the secret sauce to Pre. 

All the best!

chamomile,Villanelleand32 otherslike this

ISorry for barging in with these pictures and disturbing your daily thread as I have limited friends circle,  i just have this place to share my feelings! 

Introducing you all to the mother daughter duo,  who own this place and who hates me to the core :(

D503,dalphaand31 otherslike this
Hey guys! All the very best for tomorrow. Stay safe too, and have a good time writing the paper. I'm rooting so hard for all of you! And if you're having last minute panic, just hang in there and get through the day somehow. Tomorrow will feel much better. ❤ 
MikeWozniak,GaryVeeand31 otherslike this

@12432TrivendrumRajdhani I have always thought of asking you but aaj socha chalo puch hi lete hain.

Why have you kept train number and name as username? Any special memory? Journey?

Aaaj ho jaye khulasa. Nation wants to know.

Dear Mr Bolt, some people are obsessed with cars, some like to know everything about bikes, and some are walking encyclopedia when it comes to the latest happenings in the tech world- they know the upcoming gadets in and out. 

Similarly, some of my grey cells behave as if they are the best 'railfans' in India :)

Being a railfan is a peculiar hobby. They are obsessed with the "a-z of Indian railways". For example, for me, knowing about the nomenclature of train and stations, understanding the ticketing system (like i have a decent Tatkal success ratio), and knowing about the routes, are some of the things which excites me. I do this in my free time, just out of sheer curiosity. Like: "Why this train was named as 'Matsyagandha' Express?", or randomly 'practising' for tatkal for some of the busiest routes and class, just to 'feel the rush'. Before the advent of internet, I dunno if you guys remember, there used to be a sarkari book called "Rail at glance". Yes, I spent my childhood reading those books. In north India, there goes a saying that you're not a true 90's middle class kid, if your household did not had, Rapidex English speaking book and that railway wala book, preferably purchased from AH Wheeler's stall.

So, one day few years back, we were doing some railfannig in the national capital. Few of us decided to visit the now forgotten Delhi's historicRing railway system. Our plan was to hop in and out from NZM (Oh I still remember those winters and the magical realism of Chanakyapuri rly stn, literally burried in the otherwise posh locality). 

During that trip, I happen to saw Trivendrum Rajadhani in its blazing avtaar, and my immediate reaction was: wow, that is literally the longest Rajdhani, and probably the longest fastest train in India (as Gatiman, Tejas, and Shatabdi's are for short distances). I dunno how, but I equated Trivendrum Rajadhani with civils preparation. "Aapko lamba bhi jana hai, aur tezi se bhi jaana hai", is the precise logic why my handle has this name 🙈 

Though right now my average speed is nothing more than a goods train. Probably after the creation of Dedicated Freight Corridor, shayad thodi speed badh jaaye. Achha sorry bad joke. 

Joeyisthebest,MikeWozniakand30 otherslike this

 I surprise myself every day by waking up early and showing up on my study table. (Sjerngal)

I don’t think I’m going to make it this time. I’ll probably fail spectacularly going by present status of things, but now is not the time to think of all that. (Villanelle)

Saving these lines for the tempest in coming days. 

Last week attempted : society and optional paper 2 (75%) 1st round.

Left : entire history, optional paper 1 A part 1st round.  

You guys, alll you guys, hold your guns. This is the time for action. Stop thinking wheather you will make it or not, an just do your job. And that is to study.

I am no knight. Do not call me Sir

ssver2,DMand30 otherslike this

Hello everyone,

Neyawn's article on the last month before Prelims compelled me to check ForumIAS again. Reached this thread and just wanted to write this - I've seen many a lows in my Prelims journey, have lived almost every emotion related to Prelims. If anyone wants to talk, share their fears or even generally just empty their heart, I'm always here. You can DM me with your contact number, I'll call you back and I'll be there as a blotting paper - listening to you, not judging and just giving you the comfort that this too shall pass.

Take care,

Katyayani Bhatia

Rank 246 CSE 2017

chamomile,Omenand28 otherslike this

Heyaaa everyone. How are you all? I am so glad to see you all here, doing all the hard work, ticking off those targets and running this race.

I am out of race for now, but I am cheering for you all from the stands. I have been away due to of course the failure, but I am back with a renewed energy finally. It feels so good to be back here. 

Just felt telling you all :)

DM,MikeWozniakand28 otherslike this
All the best guys! Let's all meet in the mains discussion thread post prelims and then interview discussion thread and finally on the CSE2021 selection thread!
D503,Villanelleand28 otherslike this

After reading through some of the very encouraging messages and after some self introspection, I understood why i felt so low lately.. 
I have always felt this way whenever I set over ambitious targets and then not able to finish them... 
A wise person once said, there are 180 seats for IAS and 180 different ways to become one..  Everyone should work as per their own speed/calibre/mental headspace... 
I was probably trying to overachieve, but ultimately ended up me wasting three days.. Neverthless, after three days of almost non-zero studies, I am ready to get back into this race, hopefully this time with much more self worth.. 

Thanks to everyone here, I have not talked to any of my friends in over 2 weeks now, and I have never felt the urge and never had the feeling of FOMO.. There are two reasons for it-- exam anxiety and a nice bunch of my virtual friends in this community, who being in similar boat as me, as more of an emotional support at the moment.. 

Let's get back to the grind now !!

D503,Joeyisthebestand28 otherslike this

I have been underground since the UPSC Prelims result. I was on a call with a college friend of mine who's writing Mains too and he believes he hasn't prepared at all and isn't going to clear the exam. I see the same sentiment being echoed here too by people. And as a matter of fact I know that all these people are absolutely brilliant and if they can't do it then no one can. Sending you all so much positivity and love and warm hugs(especially if you're in northern parts of India) Go kill it people. 

Personal Update :I cleared UPPCS Pre and that has kept me occupied. Huge thanks to ForumIAS for launching the test series. I was so lost on that front. 

D503,GaryVeeand27 otherslike this
2014 Gwalior, I was on the podium round of CBSE Heritage Quiz. There was a guy who I had earlier met at the pool. At the pool he talked about NDA. When the quizmaster asked us our future plans, he said with such certainty that he wants to join the army. Went to NDA SSB idk how many times. Got rejected, everytime. Went to NCC for just joining the army. Sat in every CDS exam. Even AFCAT. Rejected. I don't even remember the count. More than 10-12 times. Even got a job in between, but quit. A common friend knew him and we sometimes talked about how he should maybe switch paths. He too thought of CAT and even CSE. But won't stop preparing for SSB. His father was no longer supporting him since he had taken far too many attempts. Age was also not on his side and the fact that he was a multiple repeater. And today, when final results came, this time the boy got into IMA (he was okay with even OTA) with a good rank. All those years of perseverance finally paid off. I can't even imagine how he must be feeling. Finally being where he always wanted to be. And that's my personal perseverance lesson. And a reminder to keep hustling. 
GaryVee,Marigoldand27 otherslike this
Guys. I’m taking a break from being active on Forum. 

@AzadHindFauz and@whatonly, all the very best for your interviews. I genuinely hope that you both make the cut. Lots of love and hugs.@AzadHindFauz , always remember that if you must choose between UPSC and your beloved football thread, do the right thing brother. :P@whatonly,the amount of respect I have for you is crazy. Let nothing ever dim your shine, my friend. I’ve seen you grow so much over the past year, and I hope you will keep doing that. 

@MaeveWiley , October 10 will be your day. I recall all of our conversations. Especially the first one and the one after last prelims. Thank you for reaching out to me when I needed it the most. I will forever be grateful.  This time, you will be sure after prelims. I know it in my heart. Make sure you make the prelims victory count. Onwards and upwards, my friend. 

@SergioRamos,remember your comment on the interview thread. You know which one I’m talking about. I feel you have a very sound understanding of the exam and it’s just a matter of time till you actually follow through on the things you know you can do, to your satisfaction. Keep working on it. You’ve got this. 

@Sherkhan1428 , you were a vibe when you were active, my man. I’ve missed reading your comments. If you read this, I hope you’re in a good place mentally. 

@Reticent @thepolicydreamer, @Alexandersupertramp,thank you for reaching out to me when I was in the dumps. I hope you are all keeping well and your families are safe. Keep working on yourselves and your goals. Keep your head above the water, and remember to breathe. Do the little things right, my friends. It’s easy to forget the progress that you have made. Don’t make that mistake. 

@thesleepyhead @chamomile @Loxodonta  I’ve interacted very little with you all, but all of your personal messages came to me at a time when I really needed someone to give me a hand. I found support from you all when I was shattered inside and was trying to put on a brave face. Thank you for reaching out. 

@nerdfighter ,@sjerngal Keep working on fighting the pain, you guys. It doesn’t necessarily get any easier, but we shall refuse to give up and keep soldiering on. We owe that to ourselves. 

@Villanelle I cannot count the number of times I have openly laughed seeing your comments. And yesterday, you topped it with that wholesome comment about your mother. I am a little intimidated by you and the width of your reading to be honest. There’s so much swagger about you, and that makes you one of the pseudonyms from this platform that I most want to get to know in person. Thank you for bringing joy to my life in whatever way you could. 

@LetsGetThisBread , as a wise person once said, today may be bed but tomorrow will be butter. There’s so much life in all of your comments, and that has such a ripple effect. Even if you feel you aren’t making progress on a certain day, always remember to be grateful that you have invariably brought a smile to at least one stranger’s face every single day. 

@ssver2 and@Joeyisthebest , I’ll see you idiots on the TG group soon enough. :P Optional isn’t truly optional without you two. 

I’m sure I’ve missed so many people who have had an impact on my life through this platform over the past year. The above list has been impacted by recency bias of course. So, I hope you can forgive me if I’ve missed you. 

The beauty of this platform is that it is built on the kindness of strangers. There’s so little in the world that is like that. I’ve said this before and l’ll say it again. I see infinite beauty in you all. 

And with that, I take your leave. Thank you for playing the significant part that you have played in my story. I’ve been more open with you than I have been to most of my closest friends. Thank you for being the light that I was so desperate to find. 

I hope to see you all again on the other side. I hope to have stories and experiences to tell you, and I look forward to the little glimpse of your wonderful lives that you may choose to share with me. When you feel down, whatever the reason, know that somewhere in the World, a Patootie wishes you well and cares for you deeply. 

Patootie out. 

ssver2,Joeyisthebestand26 otherslike this
In. :)
D503,MikeWozniakand26 otherslike this

My mind reading the above conversations wrt COVID and Mains:

"Mass bunk karne ka koi scope hai kya?" #CollegeDaysAndExams

To add my bit to above concerns, 

If UPSC goes zero tolerace way and asks us to bring the unbreathable N95 to be worn for 6 hours (+4 hours at centre) for all the 5 days, it will be very difficult breathing and thinking straight. 

Gone are the days when we could snack over few Dairy Milks during the mains. That has been the highlight of my previous mains. 

Update on 4/1/2022: 2 days from exam and sitting with a phool :

D503,ssver2and26 otherslike this

chamomile,TambourineManand24 otherslike this
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